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From finance professional to health expert

Before I became a health professional, I was working in financial services. I had a 9 to 5 job, I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, weighed over 100kg and was earning a pretty decent living. But there was a problem. I was utterly miserable; always stressed out and feeling completely empty inside. Deep down, I knew that I had turned astray and that this wasn't the life I wanted to live. At the time, however, I simply didn’t recognize that elements of my lifestyle were stress signals and I wasn't able to connect the dots between my habits and my health. I just kept on burning the candle at both ends and pushing myself beyond my limits until January 2011, when I finally suffered a severe burn-out. I had reached a point where I hadn’t slept for days on end, I wasn't eating at all and, crazier still… I continued to go to work. Of course, this pattern of behaviour couldn't last and I crashed; burned-out to my core and unable to manage any longer.


How I decided to help others

In my twenties, the era preceding my burnout, I had already been suffering from depression for several years. I was never a fan of medication but at some point, I felt so hopeless that I surrendered to traditional healthcare. I went through therapy, I was put on medication, I went through the whole works. I felt uncomfortable with the process and didn’t feel good about it at all but hey, they knew best right? I was going through life numb, not feeling much or understanding myself, knowing that this path to recovery wasn't right somehow, but not knowing that other options existed. I had tried and failed the only path suggested to me by medical professionals. It wasn’t until my therapist sat me down one day and told me that I should consider the fact that I might be chronically depressed, that I snapped out of the funk that had been holding me captive. A person telling me that I might be “sick” for my entire life and that I should try to live with it prodding something deep within. Something so utterly against my instinct that I got up, walked out, and never looked back. From that point, I went to an alternative medicine therapist who helped me in the ways that finally did start to make a difference; coaching, nutritional advice and lifestyle guidance, to 'get the most out of' my depression. I say 'get the most out of' my depression because I believe that depression is a call for self-exploration, I don’t believe it is a physical thing. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly physical symptoms... but they aren't the cause. In hindsight, this was the beginning of my personal journey of growth and so was my burn-out. 


A burn-out can be a valuable life lesson

My burn-out has brought me so much insight into who I am and has enabled me to undertake pivotal, life-changing decisions. It has also fueled my interest in personal development, health, fitness and has given me a unique perspective on how burn-out looks, feels and behaves. Yes, it can be scary at the time but I know how valuable these life events can be IF you choose to address them the right way. If you choose not to address it at all, or even in the wrong way, you could end up on a long, winding road of unnecessary suffering.


An expert through experience

I have experienced firsthand what a massive impact exercise, nutrition and coaching can have on your life. I have been through many transformations myself in areas that many people nowadays struggle with. I have gone from overweight to fitness and lifestyle expert. I have gone from an unfulfilling job to doing something I'm passionate about. I have turned around my finances and enriched myself on a spiritual as well as an emotional level. I realised that what I have experienced has given me so much valuable knowledge and insights that I decided I wanted to help others transform their lives too. That’s when I decided that the way to do this was by offering people a truly holistic approach to health as a life(style)coach and personal trainer. My aim is to help you feel good and live the life you want!


How I can help you

Because of my first-hand experience and natural interests in health and personal development, I am able to connect with you as someone who truly knows and understands what you're going through. You should also know that I am a true optimist, always thinking of possibilities and so I already know that whatever your challenges are, we will find ways to overcome them, together. I have always genuinely cared about people and feel that my calling is to help others to get the best out of themselves. Because of all of these traits, I believe that my authenticity, personal motivation and drive really make the difference and will allow me to help you from a perspective that is different to the average traditional healthcare professional. Furthermore, my vision is very holistic and the main objective is to help you. Whether this help comes purely from me or with the support of one of the other health experts in my network, I will always strive to provide you with the best care in guiding you towards your new lifestyle!


What does my physical training look like?

When it comes to the physical element of my training, I use Functional Training. Functional Training is an incredibly effective and fun form of training that allows me to give you both an enjoyable physical experience while getting real results. It is interactive, highly dynamic and you will fully engage with all of your muscle groups, leading to a well-rounded workout. I will certainly push you but afterwards, you will feel satisfied and proud of your accomplishments! My specialities include High-Intensity Training, Circuit Training and Boxtraining. All training can be adapted to your specific level and always come from an holistic and integrated approach.

how i can help you

If you want to know about how I can help you, please fill in the below form. I will then contact you for a free consultation call.

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