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Lifestyle coaching aimed at helping you prevent burn-out 

burn-out prevention

Stress related diseases are number 1 health hazard in work environment

Did you know that job related stress is the number 1 reason why people get sick at work?  Burn-out's have become are much more common than you think. On average 14 percent of your colleagues are suffering from stress related health issues. But people often don't acknowledge or even recognize this stress until it's too late.
If unaddressed, they eventually burn out and can be out of action for at least 242 days not the mention the massive impact this has on self-esteem and personal life. Speaking from experience, suffering a burn out an absolute hell.

*figures CBS, TNO and Arboned.

How to take preemptive action now!

In order to take preemptive action you need to become aware of your stress signals and acknowledge them. A lot of people are unknowingly heading for a burnout. Unfortunately, if you are not aware of your chronic stress signals you can’t take the necessary action to prevent yourself from this fate. Therefore, the first phase is to recognize and acknowledge your current situation. As soon as you do, the door will open to preemptive action and you can avoid it all together.

Free burn-out prevention consultation

If you suspect that you might be dealing with chronic stress symptoms, I'd like to invite you to sit down with me for an evaluation session. The first step is becoming aware of your symptoms and acknowledging them.

From experience, I know it can be hard to know who to turn to and it is often beneficial to have someone who isn't directly related to your daily life. You might feel alone in your situation but I can tell you, you are not. I'd love to talk to you and see how I can help you. Let's turn this negative into something positive!

You can schedule your free burn-out consultation below. Your session can take place over the phone or in-person. During this 20 minute 1:1, I will answer all your questions and give you some honest advice. I want you to have someone to turn to. This might be your first step forward and rest assured, if you are still reading this you have already taken the first steps to positive change. Schedule your session now

Schedule your call
A 20 minute session during which you can ask me anything and find out what you can do to prevent a burn-out.
Free Burn-out Consultation
20 min
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